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The policies API returns information about all the policy modules loaded into the authorizer.


GET .../api/v2/policies

GET .../api/v2/policies?field_mask={string,...}

The field_mask URL parameter indicates which fields to return. Available fields are described in the Results section below.


curl -k "https://localhost:8383/api/v2/policies?field_mask=id,raw"


The result is returned as a JSON array which contains an object for every module in the policy. The object contains:

  • an id, which can be used as a path parameter to return only information about this module (see below)
  • a raw field that contains the module text as a string
  • a package_path which is where the module is loaded in the data namespace
  • an ast field which contains the abstract syntax tree of the module
"result": [
"id": "todo/tmp/opa/oci/github/workspace/content/src/policies/todos.GET.rego",
"raw": "package todoApp.GET.todos\n\ndefault allowed = true\n",
"package_path": "data.todoApp.GET.todos",
"ast": {
"package": {
"path": [
"type": "var",
"value": "data"
"type": "string",
"value": "todoApp"
"type": "string",
"value": "GET"
"type": "string",
"value": "todos"
"rules": [
"body": [
"index": 0,
"terms": {
"type": "boolean",
"value": true
"default": true,
"head": {
"name": "allowed",
"value": {
"type": "boolean",
"value": true

policies by ID


GET .../api/v2/policies/{id}

GET .../api/v2/policies/{id}?field_mask={string,...}

The id is retrieved from the id field in the /api/v2/policies call.

The field_mask URL parameter indicates which fields to return. Available fields are thje same as the ones described in the Results section above.


The result returned is an object with the same fields as described above.

"result": {
"id": "todo/tmp/opa/oci/github/workspace/content/src/policies/todo.GET.user.__userID.rego",
"raw": "package todoApp.GET.user.__userID\n\ndefault allowed = true\n",
"package_path": "data.todoApp.GET.user.__userID",
"ast": {