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Authorizer commands

Topaz provides a few commands to interact with the authorizer:

Usage: topaz authorizer (az) <command> [flags]

authorizer commands

authorizer (az) eval evaluate policy decision
authorizer (az) query execute query
authorizer (az) decisiontree get decision tree
authorizer (az) get-policy get policy
authorizer (az) list-policies list policies
authorizer (az) test execute authorizer assertions

-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
-N, --no-check disable local container status check ($TOPAZ_NO_CHECK)
-L, --log log level

Listing policies

To list the policies that are loaded into the authorizer, use the list-policies subcommand:

topaz authorizer list-policies '{ "field_mask": "id" }' --insecure
"result": [
"id": "todo/github/workspace/content/src/policies/rebac.check.rego"
"id": "todo/github/workspace/content/src/policies/todoApp.DELETE.todos.__id.rego"
"id": "todo/github/workspace/content/src/policies/todoApp.GET.todos.rego"
"id": "todo/github/workspace/content/src/policies/todoApp.GET.users.__userID.rego"
"id": "todo/github/workspace/content/src/policies/todoApp.POST.todos.rego"
"id": "todo/github/workspace/content/src/policies/todoApp.PUT.todos.__id.rego"
"id": "todo/github/workspace/content/src/policies/todoApp.common.rego"

Getting a policy

To get the raw policy output for one of the modules, use the get-policy subcommand:

topaz az get-policy '{ "id": "todo/github/workspace/content/src/policies/todoApp.GET.todos.rego", "field_mask": "id,raw" }' --insecure
"result": {
"id": "todo/github/workspace/content/src/policies/todoApp.GET.todos.rego",
"raw": "package todoApp.GET.todos\n\n# This policy determines whether the user can view all todos\n\ndefault allowed = true\n"

Evaluating a decision (is API call)

To evaluate a decision using the is API call, use the topaz authorizer eval command. Note that the request requires an identity context and a policy context. It may also contain an optional resource context.

The policy context requires both an array of decisions to evaluate, as well as the path of the policy module to execute:

topaz authorizer eval '{
"identity_context": {
"identity": ""
"policy_context": {
"decisions": [
"path": "todoApp.GET.todos"
}' --insecure
"decisions": [
"decision": "allowed",
"is": true

To print out a template for the eval command parameter, use the following command:

topaz authorizer eval --template
"policy_context": {
"path": "",
"decisions": [
"identity_context": {
"identity": "",
"resource_context": {},
"policy_instance": {
"name": "",
"instance_label": ""

Getting a decision tree (decisiontree API call)

The decisiontree API allows evaluating multiple decisions under the same API in a single call.

The format is the same as the eval call, but the path is the root of the decision tree you want to evaluate. For the Todo policy, using todoApp will evaluate all 5 modules defined in the Todo policy.

topaz authorizer decisiontree '{
"identity_context": {
"identity": ""
"policy_context": {
"decisions": [
"path": "todoApp"
}' --insecure
"path_root": "todoApp",
"path": {
"todoApp.DELETE.todos.__id": {
"allowed": true
"todoApp.GET.todos": {
"allowed": true
"todoApp.GET.users.__userID": {
"allowed": true
"todoApp.POST.todos": {
"allowed": false
"todoApp.PUT.todos.__id": {
"allowed": true

You can get the template for the command by using the --template or -t flag.

Executing a query (query API call)

You can issue a general query into the OPA engine using the topaz authorizer query command.

Note in the example below we pass in the identity, which Topaz will look up and inject into input.user. The query we issue, x = input; y = data.todoApp.GET returns two variable bindings:

  • x is bound to the input document, which shows what the policy can expect to see as input.
  • y is bound to the evaluation of the data.todoApp.GET path, which will evaluate both of the GET rules in the policy.
topaz authorizer query '{
"identity_context": {
"identity": ""
"query": "x = input; y = data.todoApp.GET"
}' --insecure
"response": {
"result": [
"bindings": {
"x": {
"identity": {
"identity": "",
"user": {
"created_at": "2024-05-21T01:02:11.619098467Z",
"display_name": "Rick Sanchez",
"etag": "948604866316391264",
"id": "",
"key": "",
"properties": {
"email": "",
"picture": "",
"roles": [
"type": "user",
"updated_at": "2024-05-21T01:02:11.619098467Z"
"y": {
"todos": {
"allowed": true
"users": {
"__userID": {
"allowed": true
"expressions": [
"location": {
"col": 1,
"row": 1
"text": "x = input",
"value": true
"location": {
"col": 12,
"row": 1
"text": "y = data.todoApp.GET",
"value": true
"metrics": {},
"trace": [],
"trace_summary": []

You can get the template for the command by using the --template or -t flag.

Creating and executing tests

In Topaz, you can create a set of assertions, which are test cases, and execute those assertions to ensure that your policy is evaluating decisions correctly.

You can use the topaz authorizer test template command to print a JSON template for what these assertions should look like.

You can then use the topaz authorizer test exec command to execute the assertions file.

To learn more, refer to the test topic.