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Ruby Rack Middleware

Aserto::Authorization is a middleware that allows Ruby applications to use Topaz as the Authorization provider.


Add to your application Gemfile:

gem "aserto"

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install aserto


The middleware accepts the following parameters:

Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
enabledtrueEnables or disables Aserto Authorization
policy_name""The Aserto policy name.
instance_label""The label of the active policy runtime.
authorizer_api_key`""``The authorizer API Key
tenant_id""The Aserto Tenant ID
service_url"localhost:8282"Sets the URL for the authorizer endpoint.
cert_path""Path to the grpc service certificate when connecting to local topaz instance.
decision"allowed"The decision that will be used by the middleware when creating an authorizer request.
loggerSTDOUTThe logger to be used by the middleware.
identity_mapping{ type: :none }The strategy for retrieving the identity, possible values: :jwt, :sub, :none
disabled_for[{}]Which path and actions to skip the authorization for.
on_unauthorized-> { return [403, {}, ["Forbidden"]] }A lambda that is executed when the authorization fails.


To determine the identity of the user, the middleware can be configured to use a JWT token or a claim using the identity_mapping config.

# configure the middleware to use a JWT token form the `my-auth-header` header.
config.identity_mapping = {
type: :jwt,
from: "my-auth-header",
# configure the middleware to use a claim from the JWT token.
# This will decode the JWT token and extract the `sub` field from payload.
config.identity_mapping = {
type: :sub,
from: :sub,

The whole identity resolution can be overwritten by providing a custom function.

# config/initializers/aserto.rb

# needs to return a hash with the identity having `type` and `identity` keys.
# supported types: `:jwt, :sub, :none`
Aserto.with_identity_mapper do |request|
type: :sub,
identity: "my custom identity",

URL path to policy mapping

By default, when computing the policy path, the middleware:

  • converts all slashes to dots
  • converts any character that is not alpha, digit, dot or underscore to underscore
  • converts uppercase characters in the URL path to lowercases

This behavior can be overwritten by providing a custom function:

# config/initializers/aserto.rb

# must return a String
Aserto.with_policy_path_mapper do |policy_root, request|
method = request.request_method
path = request.path_info

"custom: #{policy_root}.#{method}.#{path}"


A resource can be any structured data that the authorization policy uses to evaluate decisions. By default, middleware do not include a resource in authorization calls.

This behavior can be overwritten by providing a custom function:

# config/initializers/aserto.rb

# must return a Hash
Aserto.with_resource_mapper do |request|
{ resource: request.path_info }

Disable authorization for specific paths

The middleware exposes a disable_for configuration option that accepts an array of hashes with the following keys:

  • path - the path to disable authorization for
  • actions - an array of actions to disable authorization for


You can find the paths and actions using bundle exec rails routes

bundle exec rails routes

Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action

api_v1_users GET /api/users(.:format) api/v1/users#index {:format=>:json}
POST /api/users(.:format) api/v1/users#create {:format=>:json}
api_v1_user GET /api/users/:id(.:format) api/v1/users#show {:format=>:json}
# disables get user by id
config.disabled_for = [
path: '/api/users/:id'
actions: [:GET]



# config/initializers/aserto.rb

Rails.application.config.middleware.use Aserto::Authorization do |config|
config.enabled = true
config.policy_name = "my-policy-name"
config.instance_label = "my-instance"
config.authorizer_api_key = Rails.application.credentials.aserto[:authorizer_api_key]
config.policy_root = "peoplefinder"
config.service_url = "localhost:8282"
config.cert_path = "/path/to/topaz/cert.crt"
config.decision = "allowed"
config.logger = Rails.logger
config.identity_mapping = {
type: :sub,
from: :sub
config.disabled_for = [
path: "/api/users",
actions: %i[GET POST]
path: "/api/authentication",
actions: %i[POST]
config.on_unauthorized = lambda do |env|
puts env
return [403, {}, ["Forbidden"]]


# server.rb

# aserto middleware
use Aserto::Authorization do |config|
config.enabled = true
config.policy_name = "my-policy-name"
config.instance_label = "my-instance"
config.authorizer_api_key = ENV['authorizer_api_key']
config.policy_root = "peoplefinder"
config.service_url = "localhost:8282"
config.cert_path = "/path/to/topaz/cert.crt"
config.decision = "allowed"
config.disabled_for = [
path: "/api/users/:id",
actions: %i[GET]
path: "/",
actions: %i[GET]
