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Defining a domain model

The authorization model needs to mirror the domain model used by the application. To populate the directory we need to define the domain model which is comprised of objects and relations. To define these objects and relations, we first need to declare object types, and their relations and permissions.

Object types

Object types define the entities in the system, such as user, department, document, etc. Any declared object type can also be designated as a subject of a relationship, by specifying it as the target of a relation.

For example:

  • document can be defined an object type.
  • user object type is typically used as a subject of a relation.
  • group can function as an object when defining a member relation to a user (subject), or it can function as a subject when defining an owner relation to a document (object).


Relations define the relationships between entities, such as member, owner, manager, etc. Relations are defined on object types. In the context of authorization, we can think of relations as roles that can be assigned to subjects. For example, a user can be assigned the owner role for a document. In our policy, we can check whether a relation exists for a subject and an object using the ds.check built-in.


While relations are helpful to model roles, we can associate many permissions to a single role. In the directory, permissions are associated with relations. For example, we can declare that the owner relation confers the can_read, can_write, and can_delete permissions. In our policy, we can check whether a permission exists between a subject and an object using the ds.check built-in.

Defining the domain model

Create a manifest.yaml to define object types, relations, and permission. For example:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=

version: 3

### display_name: User ###
manager: user

### display_name: Identity ###
identifier: user

### display_name: Group ###
member: user | group#member

### display_name: Document ###
owner: user | group#member
editor: user | group#member
viewer: user | group#member

can_delete: owner
can_write: editor | can_delete
can_read: viewer | can_write

In this manifest, we define four object types: user, identity, group, and document.

  • The user object type defines a manager relation, whose target can only be another user. This makes it easy to model management hierarchies using Topaz.
  • The identity object type allows creating (or importing from an IDP) multiple identities associated with a user object.
  • The group object type defines a member relation, whose target can be a user, or the set of users that have a member relationship from another group object. This is designated by the notation group#member. For example, if you define a group with an ID of editors, you can add individual users to it, and you could also add the member's of the viewers group by adding that group object to the editors group.
  • The document object type defines the owner, editor, and viewer relations, which can have subjects (targets) of either type user or group. In the case of a group, the set of instances in the member relation of that group become part of the set referred to by the relation.
  • The document object type also defines the can_read, can_write, and can_delete permissions. These permissions are granted through the relations we just defined. Note that permission definitions can use a few operators: union (|), intersection (&), exclusion (-), and the arrow operator (->).

More information on operators can be found in the Manifest Reference.

Loading the manifest

Load the manifest.yaml file into Topaz by running:

topaz directory set manifest ./manifest.yaml -i

Manifest command reference

For a full list of commands for getting, setting, and deleting a manifest, refer to the manifest CLI docs.

Manifest language reference

A full annotated example of the manifest can be found here.