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Reader APIs

The Directory Reader APIs are in the service.

  • Check - check whether a subject has a relation or permission to an object (combines the functionality of CheckPermission and CheckRelation)

  • CheckPermission - check whether a subject has a permission (via a relation) on an object (deprecated, CheckPermission is superseded by Check)

  • CheckRelation - check whether a subject has a relation to an object (deprecated, CheckRelation is superseded by Check)

  • GetObject - get an object by type and identifier

  • GetObjectMany - get a set of objects by type and identifier

  • GetObjects - get all objects in the system that match a filter. This is a paginated interface.

  • GetRelation - get a relation instance between the provided subject and object using the relation type.

  • GetRelations - get all relations in the system that match a filter. This is a paginated interface.

  • GetGraph - searches the graph to find all subjects of a given type with a specified relation to a given subject or vice versa, all objects of a given type that a specified subject has a given relation to.